Unfortunately my time as an intern at Andalucía Tours and Discovery has come to an end. 14 weeks felt so much shorter than it was, but you know the saying: time flies when you’re having fun!
Due to the Covid-19 epidemic I was not able to go to Seville myself for the internship, so I did it from home. This was quite a different experience than usual and I had to make sure to stay disciplined and keep track of my planning. Because the temptations of doing fun things when it is 30 degrees outside can be quite big.
The tasks I had during my time at ATD were interesting, fun and I also learned from them. I did not get the chance to meet all of the colleagues at ATD, but the ones I got to chat and facetime with were very nice and relaxed people. The thing I probably enjoyed the most was making the video together with Teun, to show what his workday looks like. We put a lot of effort into the video and that paid off with already 180 views on YouTube!
I also really enjoyed the weekly online meetings with Rosalie. Serious matters had to be discussed and I was able to ask questions I had, but we also had fun social talks just like anyone would when you would be sitting next to each other at the office the entire day.
Hopefully I will be able to visit Seville in the future and go on a bike tour with Teun or one of the other guides! A really big thank you to Andalucía Tours and Discovery for the possibility of doing my internship from home and the guidance throughout the internship. Hopefully I will see you soon!
¡Hasta Luego!