Adalucia Tours and Discovery
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"My favorite smell in Sevilla"- Michiel

17 Abr 2020

“El olor de Sevilla”

In this blog, you can read about my favorite smell in Sevilla, “azahar” or like they call it here “asaar”. Azahar is the beautiful white flower that appears on the orange trees when they are in Bloom. Around the city Seville there are almost 15.000 orange trees, “naranjos” as they are called.

The beautiful city Seville is filled with azahar in March and April, this sweet smell and the beauty of this white flower tell us that the spring has begun. On a few stops during our bike tours, we can enjoy this smell, also park María Luisa is filled with it.

For me it is also the beginning of working on the field, I like gardening and I have some orange trees in my place. When they get in bloom they tell me it is time to start planting in the garden, here they use the Word “huerto” for a field where you can plant vegetables and fruits. Sevilla is a good environment to have a “huerto”, there is a lot of sunlight and the temperature is very well. You can plant almost everything and the good wheater makes it grow fast.

The azahar is also the beginning of spring, and in April there are usually two big events in Sevilla, first, Easter or “Semana Santa” that normally starts on Palm Sunday. Usually, it is a week that is full of processions and al lot of traditions, a week that brings people together for celebrations along the streets and in the bars, the azahar smells everywhere.

April is usually also the month of the “Feria de Abril”, 7 days of music, dancing, and other party traditions.

So when we smell the first Azahar in the beautiful streets of Sevilla, we know it is the beginning of good times where people usually come outside to celebrate.

You can also read these blogs:
Feria de Abril -
Semana Santa -
Seville oranges -