Adalucia Tours and Discovery
Calle Alcalde Isacio Contreras, 1, 41001 Sevilla Sevilla, Sevilla 41001
Phone: +34 635 955 554

Spanish Lesson – The basics!

17 Ago 2020

Are you planning to go on a holiday to Seville? Then it would be nice if you speak a little bit of Spanish! We wrote down a number of words and short sentences for you that might be useful for your trip. Let’s start!

English - Spanish

Goodmorning - Buenos días
Goodnight - Buenas noches
Hello - Hola
How are you doing? - ¿Qué tal? / ¿Cómo estas?
Everything alright? - ¿Todo bien?
I’m fine, thanks, and you? - Bien, gracias, ¿y tú / usted?
What is your name? - ¿Cómo se llama?
My name is … - Me llamo …
Hi, nice to meet you - Hola, encantada
Where are you from? - ¿De dónde es usted?
I am from England - Soy de Inglaterra
Where do you live? - ¿Dónde vives?
I live in Londen - Vivo en Londen
How old are you? - ¿Cuantos años tienes?
I am ... years old - Tengo … años
It was nice to meet you - Fue un placer conocerte
Bye - Adiós
See you tomorrow - Hasta mañana
See you next time - Hasta la próxima

One side note, the people in Andalucía often tend to not pronounce the last letters of words, which can sometimes be difficult to understand. We also found a useful website for practicing Spanish:

Hopefully you will now be able to introduce yourself and say some basic words and sentences in Spanish during your holiday!