Adalucia Tours and Discovery
Calle Alcalde Isacio Contreras, 1, 41001 Sevilla Sevilla, Sevilla 41001
Phone: +34 635 955 554

Why being an eco-friendly tourist is awesome?

22 Ago 2016

flower bike

We cannot deny it the world is not going really well ecologically-wise… And the more people on Earth there is, the worse it gets! Unless… everyone becomes aware that no matter the size of the action, everyone can help create a better planet.

We love our world, and so we want to discover it by travelling and we do! As tourism represents a huge economy, it’s also a danger for the ecology.

So why not do both? Why not travelling while being eco-friendly thus respecting our lovely planet? Forget your car, do it by bike, forget the bus, walk instead, don’t take a cab, share it! There are more options than you think!

We propose bike tours in Andalusia not only because it’s fun and trendy but also because it’s eco-friendly! A lot of cities are now developing bicycle paths and more pedestrian areas, why not enjoy it?

For example, Seville has 200km of bycicle paths which makes it so easy! Plus, the city is without a doubt lovelier when you take your time by bike or walking than by bus or car. In all the cities of the world, and at a smaller scale in Andalusia, you need to explore the streets not pass trough them rapidly!

daily bike tour

Doing so, you don’t pollute, you have fun, without effort, you take your time and you really see what surrounds you!

The laziest ones of us would say that riding a bike takes effort, walking too and that it’s way easier to take the car. But we really need to cut out the clichés we have in mind. No, doing a bike tour doesn’t mean doing 3h of exercise, especially when it feels more like one hour and a half than three. No, walking for one point to another isn’t that tiring, because you can wander around, discover, stop whenever you feel like it, and it’s better for your body!

Don’t stop exploring the world, don’t stop going to the undiscovered and unknown places but do it with respect and love for the planet you live in. Cycle away my friend! And discover Andalusia with us!