Adalucia Tours and Discovery
Calle Alcalde Isacio Contreras, 1, 41001 Sevilla Sevilla, Sevilla 41001
Phone: +34 635 955 554

A New Adventure: Intern Loek Joins Our Team!

11 mai 2018


Who am I?

Hola, qué tal? My name is Loek and I am a tourism student from The Netherlands. I am the latest addition to the ATD-team. I’m an intern and I will be a guide from May until September. 

Why Sevilla?

Well… this is a little bit weird; I had never been in Sevilla before and also I don’t have friends or family living here. Somewhere deep in my heart I just knew Sevilla would be the city that would fit me best. And well, I am living and working here now for just a little more than a week, but I can tell you, I was right! The city is amazing. It has so many highlights which will never bore me. The people are so nice here and most of them will always help you the best they can. I especially love my neighbourhood, Macarena. It’s located on the north side of the city and it’s really different from the centre because there aren’t any tourist, just locals. The atmosphere in the streets is just amazing. Some nights when I haven’t got anything to do, I just go outside and walk through the streets. Every day I’m amazed by it again.

How I found Andalucía Tours & Discovery

For my school we have to do an internship which can be in The Netherlands or in another country. I knew from the first second that I wasn’t going to stay in the Netherlands for sure. I have always wanted to live in another country, so this was my opportunity. So I started looking on the website for international internships and of course the first city I looked up was Sevilla. And that’s how I found ATD. I really like to work with people and I love to teach them new things. So, I applied for the internship, and that’s how I ended up here!